Category Archive: Uncategorized

Oozle Media Sep 30 2021

When marketing for a beauty school, you have to know SEO, because SEO is one of the highest conversion opportunities for your school. Learn how to get more leads and optimize your website, Google My Business profile, and content to improve your results.

Justin Trombetti Nov 01 2017

There’s a cold, hard truth that I want to get out of the way immediately: you aren’t converting enough leads. Usually when I say this, I get a response like: “Our enrollment rates are fine compared to the rest of the industry, though!” “Our admissions team is simply the best, they’re doing everything right!” “Month…

Patrik Connole May 04 2017

It’s Star Wars Day again and we present to you our favorite digital marketers envisioned as Star Wars Characters.  Read on to find out more as to why we think these guys are far, far and away the best digital marketers in the galaxy. Danny Sullivan, Gary Vaynerchuk, Larry Kim, Neal Patel, Matt Cutts and…

Chris Linford Apr 27 2017

You’re probably asking yourself, “Who uses Google+?” or even, “What’s Google+?” Beauty schools that are using this social network are benefiting from it in a HUGE way! By doing these three things, schools are seeing lifts in overall website conversion rates, as well as lifts in overall website leads, and this is happening without even changing anything on your website! Crazy, right?!

Dave Smith Oct 06 2015

Did you feel it happen? The moment when your trusty website went from making you money to losing you business each day in lost traffic and conversions? As of earlier this year, more than 50% of Google searches now come from mobile devices. That percentage is even higher in the home services industry, which relies…

Colton Barry Apr 23 2015

All good marketing starts with three key ideas: Who’s your customer What pain are you solving for them How are you going to reach them   Understanding The Online Landscape The online landscape has shifted. Chances are, you can reach into your pocket and pull out a device containing the wealth of the worlds knowledge. What has…