A Common Sense Guide On What Your Company Should Blog About

All good marketing starts with three key ideas:

  • Who’s your customer
  • What pain are you solving for them
  • How are you going to reach them



Understanding The Online Landscape

The online landscape has shifted. Chances are, you can reach into your pocket and pull out a device containing the wealth of the worlds knowledge. What has been withheld for only the elite in class over past centuries is now available to the average Joe & Sally (and even their litter of rug-rats). The environment in which we receive our information has been compressed and we are getting smarter at a multiplying rate each day.

Your Sales Funnel & Where Blogging Fits In

Companies blog because it’s one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers to your site.
Blogging is a form of inbound marketing. Instead of buying ads, buying email lists, or cold calling, inbound marketing focuses on creating educational content that pulls people toward your website where they can learn more about what you sell on their own accord. The inbound approach is one that helps brands attract, convert, close, and delight visitors, leads and customers through a variety of channels such as social media, blogging, SEO, landing pages, forms, and email. Applying the inbound approach facilitates the buyer journey through the sales funnel – from strangers to advocates of your brand.

Sales Funnel

Getting a clear understanding of your sales funnel can spark a rush of ideas and opportunities to providing valuable content.

“When I talk with clients, I frequently tell them that a great place to get good blog topics is their customer facing staff. The idea is, those employees know the most relevant questions on the minds of the customers because they are the ones receiving them, These employees typically have the best answers to the questions. As a result these topics frequently make the best blog posts. If written and used correctly, these blog posts will help the customer service reps save time as they can send people a link to a blog post that explains the concept further without using their precious time while pushing traffic to the website and establishing the company as they authority.”

– Dave Smith, COO Oozle Media


Questions To Ask Pain-Problem

  • What unique problems does your business solve for your customer?
  • What kind of story could you tell to connect with your customer?
  • What are some of your customers top fears and frustrations?
  • What things does your product or service do to solve these problems?


Understand what content pulls your buyers through the sales funnel, and use that context to personalize your marketing at scale. As you learn more about your leads over time, you can better personalize your messages to their specific needs.




Continue the conversation with any thoughts or questions below. Let us know what you’ve discovered, cheers!


Colton Barry Apr 23 2015
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