2021 Recap: A Year in Oozle Media Webinars

In the constantly changing field of digital marketing, Oozle Media makes sure to stay on top of the trends most important to help our clients. Webinars have proven to be a great resource for clients to stay informed and continue growing their brand. Check out Oozle’s webinars for 2021 to set you up for success in the New Year:

1. Learn How One School Got 69% More Leads from CRO Changes

Listen in to learn more about the popular marketing term Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and what it means for your business. We discuss how to implement real strategies to increase leads on your website and how one Oozle client saw a 69% increase in conversion on their homepage after a CRO project.

CRO webinar

2. How Any School Can Grow Their SEO Results in 2021

Director of Organic Marketing, Patrik Connole, shares his insight on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and why it should be at the top of your digital marketing efforts. Watch as he breaks down the difference between local and traditional SEO and top things to do to optimize your SEO efforts.

How any school can grow their SEO results in 2021

3. Introduction to Facebook Ads

With over 190 million users in the United States on just Facebook alone, social media has become one of the greatest places to reach a wide audience. Watch Oozle’s social ads manager explain why it’s crucial to run Facebook ads. By understanding various campaigns used at different sections of the marketing funnel, we share strategies on how to optimize for best results.

Introduction to Facebook Ads

4. Website Live Chats: Get the Facts (& More Leads If You Have One)

Website live chat is one of the fast growing digital marketing trends of 2021. We take a look into various types of live chat options and how businesses can implement this into their marketing strategy to help with leads.

Website Live Chats: Get the Facts

5. Apple’s Privacy Updates & Its Impact on Paid Ads

Watch Oozle’s social ads manager Chelsea Owens give us the rundown on Apple iOS 14 update and how that has affected Oozle’s digital marketing efforts. We look at the adjustments to measurement and reporting in PPC and Facebook ads and how this has impacted ad performance.

Apple's Privacy Updates and Its Impact on Paid Ads

6. Call Tracking: What Every Business Owner Needs to Know

Director of Organic Marketing Patrik Connole dives into what every business owner needs to know about call tracking. From how it works to understanding the benefits, you’ll walk away knowing the value of investing in this underutilized marketing tool for your company.

7. Preparing for Back-to-School

Oozle’s directors gather together to discuss how to best prepare for the back-to-school season. In trying to navigate today’s times, it’s important to look at current trends and how to incorporate that into your marketing mix. The Oozle team chats on client experiences and tips and tactics for a successful year.

Back to school webinar

8. How Video Ads Drive Leads (Affordably)

YouTube has logged 2 billion monthly logged in users who were spending an average of 1.7 hours/day in 2020 allowing for great reach potential. Listen as Director of Paid Ads, David Steiner shares his own client experience with video ads, why it’s important for businesses and even tips on affordable video creation.

How video ads drive leads affordably

Now that you’ve had a recap of important topics from last year, stay tuned for our 2022 webinar line up designed to educate and help you build a competitive marketing strategy for your business.

Get Access to More Resources

If you’re interested in more on-demand content, check out the library from last year’s Beauty Summit, which features industry content specifically for beauty schools. The library covers topics for schools like marketing, curriculum, leadership and more from a slew of well-known industry brands like Pivot Point, Oozle Media, Duane Morris, Milady, and more!

Cynthia Gonzalez Jan 12 2022
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