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We saw first-hand how 2020 opened up unique opportunities for beauty schools in 2021.
That’s why we decided to partner with some of the biggest names in the beauty school industry to provide 20-30 minute sessions of high-impact and actionable insights for beauty school owners and their teams at The Beauty School Summit Launchpad 2021.
The Beauty School Summit Launchpad 2021 is a unique virtual conference hosted by Oozle Media with keynote and guest speakers from trusted vendors who work with beauty schools across the country. Get access to real business strategy!
Join with fellow school owners from all over the U.S. for 14, 20-minute sessions covering topics like:
This is information designed to help you run your business well and bring more students to your school. There are no ticket or travel costs. The summit is free! Register now to get access to all the recordings from this awesome event.
This event has already taken place, but by filling out the form at the top of this page you can get access to recordings of each session plus slides and additional supplements from speakers!
Get The Beauty School Summit On-Demand Library Save My Seat!
Keynote Speaker
Be Nice Leadership & Culture To Run a Successful Beauty School:
Keynote Speaker
The 5 Values of Growing a Family Business:
Get the Recordings for Free!Sign Me Up!
Our goal is to provide value for you as a school owner. You can get the recordings from each live session on-demand. We are sure there’s at least one session you won’t want to miss. Here’s what you can expect.
We’ve worked with hundreds of beauty schools across the country, and we know how much time it takes to run a school. That’s why our event is only one day, with tons of short sessions to choose from, so you can get all the key takeaways, and none of the fluff.
Even if you can’t make it, register now for unlimited access to all sessions. Watch them again and again, maybe even incorporate them into your current training strategy. Our goal is to provide relevant content you can use now to generate better results for your school in 2021!
To those who can make it live, we’ll be hosting giveaways throughout the day with prizes like free access to Beauty as a Business courses ($735 value) or even a new website* ($8,400 value)! We kept the conference to only one day, which is why we tried to pack as much value in as we could.
*Current Oozle Media clients are not eligible for website prize.
We all probably would love to travel at this point. And, while we can’t wait to get back to seeing everyone in person, here’s a chance to say a virtual hello to fellow owners and meet new partners for your school.
Join over 200 beauty school owners. Sign Me Up!