Why is Having a Website You Can Edit Important?

It’s all code to me.

Choosing the right content management system to fit the needs of your website can be tricky. You want something that’s robust enough to fulfill all the needs of your business, but also something that’s easy enough for you to make changes internally. Finding this balance is critical.

While there are many CMS out there, the advances in the past few years has made WordPress an ideal middle ground for websites, easy enough to edit for business owners, but capable of advanced development options. It is currently the most commonly used CMS. Learn what you should be looking for in a CMS, what factors to take into account, and why it is so crucial for you to be capable of making changes on your site yourself.

Basic Functionality

At the very core, a content management system is used to easily upload images, text, or other basic things to an existing site. For many small businesses, these functions should be possible without understanding HTML or CSS beyond just the basics.

Platforms such as WordPress offer a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, which gives you the capability to add blog posts, change a header image, or update text as needed. The capability to make these minor changes on your own could save your business big time.

Saving You Money

While there are some platforms that may indeed be difficult to edit, those that offer a WYSIWIG editor are easy to understand, even by those who aren’t development experts. Especially for beauty schools updating start dates, eCommerce sites updating their inventory, or any other company that needs to update the content of their site on a regular basis, having the ability to edit your own content is crucial. Rather than sending these minor tasks to your web development company, you should have the ability to do this.

A good web development company will not only give you access to make these changes to the website, but will also provide a training to help you learn how to make edits. Your web development company should work as a partner, providing this initial guidance, yet still available to help with these changes at an hourly rate.

Simple Yet Robust

Each website is different in what’s required. Some websites need to sell products, others need to obtain information from potential clients to begin the conversion process, while others are simply informational. A good web development company will choose the right CMS for your site, take the complexities of the site, and make it simple enough for you to edit without losing any development value. WordPress’ WooCommerce platform has the potential to be easily edited, with the help of the right developer. If you require an eCommerce site, ensure your development company is capable of creating a backend where you can easily update these products yourself.

Having a website that allows you to make edits yourself is extremely important, and is one of the crucial questions you should ask your web development company before starting a project. Ensure you get the training and direction you deserve from your development company to make basic edits to your site, saving you money in the long run.

Cassie Costner Nov 04 2015
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