What Makes Oozle Media Different: The Website Process

At Oozle Media, we’ve never been one to follow the crowd. We’re all about doing things different. Paving the way for better methods while keeping up with the latest trends is critical in digital marketing. It’s a fine balance: recognizing which website trends are effective marketing strategies and will last, and which are short lived tactics that don’t actually work. Find out what makes Oozle Media different through our website process.

Our Sites are Mobile Friendly

At Oozle Media, our deep understanding of digital marketing keeps us up to date on changes in the industry. One of the most recent of these big changes was a move to favor mobile friendly sites. Long before April 21st our focus has been not only on the desktop experience, but the mobile one as well. Every website we build is either mobile responsive, or has a mobile website. Not only are our websites built with this in mind, but all current digital marketing best practices as well.

We Can Work With Your Branding Guidelines

Keeping your branding consistent across all platforms is critical. As your business builds, and the more easily identified your product is with your brand, you’ll see the results. Not only has Oozle Media worked with strict branding guidelines, we’ve worked to create these guidelines for clients who previously had none. Whether it’s weaving your brand into one of our branded themes or building a custom website around your branded guidelines, we have you covered.

We Make Your Site Easy for You to Edit

99% of the sites Oozle Media builds are done on WordPress, one of the easiest to manage and SEO friendly website platforms out there. While you won’t be able to edit the over all structure of the site, we’ll teach you how to edit anything content related (text and images) across all the pages. You’ll be able to update products, change the address in the footer, swap out header images, add a new blog post, and make other changes. Each site we build is created with the end user in mind. Our developer takes WordPress, an already easy to manage and edit platform, and customizes it to your site, making changes easy for anyone. We want you to make the minor changes to your site so we can focus on the deeper marketing aspects that really drive leads.

We’re More Than Just a Web Development Company

While we are website experts, this is only one part of our overall digital marketing strategy. We offer full SEO, PPC, Social Media, Social Ad, and Call Tracking services for our clients. Because of this, each website is built with the individual client in mind, and what the end marketing goal includes. We don’t believe that each of these services should be cut off from each other, but rather work in synergy together, including your website. Each website we build takes into account the goals you hope to accomplish tied with the most effective marketing strategy.

We Have the Client Portal to Keep Us All Accountable

A good partnership is something we recognized was lacking from our website process a while back. Because of this we went back to the drawing board and created the Oozle Website Portal. In the portal, our 5 phase process is outlined, giving the client and our team separate goals to complete. Each of these goals have a due date, which can be checked off upon completion. The Portal gives clear direction as to when a task is due, and whose responsibility it is to complete. When everyone keeps updated in the portal, projects move much smoother, deadlines are met, and we end the project as friends knowing we each completed our set of tasks in a timely manner.

Our Sites are Each Built From Scratch

While our Branded Theme and Proven Layout website packages are each built modeling a certain layout, each is built using clean code. We don’t reuse every element on the site, instead creating a clean layout. What this means for you is that your website isn’t restricted by templates, but can be expanded on and changed. Even our Branded Themes are built from the ground up, never using anyone’s existing code. Whether you’d like to add custom features now or down the road, each of our websites are built to allow for this change.

You’ll Own the Code On Your New Site

There’s a danger to not owning the code on your site. Once we have full payment, Oozle Media clients own the code on their site. This means you have full control of your site once it’s finished.

We’re Rockstars at Meeting Due Dates

As a business owner, we understand you’re busy. Just as you put your focus in your clients over your own internal projects, we do too. We’ll work with you and your team to meet due dates. While we can’t complete even project phases without your input and approval, we’ll work with your schedule to ensure your website is finished in a timely manner. So long as we have open lines of communication with you, we’ll work to complete every part of the process on time.

We have a large portfolio of past websites

We have an extensive website portfolio, and it’s only building. Here you can learn more about Oozle Media and the projects we’ve completed. If you’re interested in talking with some of our past website clients, specifically those in your own industry, let us know and we’ll get you in contact.

We’re Industry Specific Experts

While we’re happy to work with any industry, we’ve become industry experts in a few key verticals, including beauty, home services, dental, pest control, disaster restoration, and many more. Our experience in each of these industries have helped us become experts. We’re always looking for ways to improve web design for conversion specific to your industry, and weeding out those ineffective yet popular designs.

We’re Invested in Your Website Even After Launch

Since we aren’t just a web development company, we don’t see the site launch as the finish line. Your website should be an asset that is continually improved on, getting better at bringing you leads. We’ll make sure your site is fully optimized to bring you essential business and accomplish the goals of your new site.

There’s so many things that make Oozle Media different from other web development companies. Whether you fall in one of our specialized industries or not, let us help build you a website that meets your needs. For more information on what makes Oozle Media different, and advice as to the questions you should be asking your web development company call us today: 801-562-8557

Cassie Costner Oct 19 2015
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