Oozle Rocks DECA 2012

On April 23rd, Oozle Media supported The DECA International Career Development Conference which took place at the Salt Lake City Convention Center. Fourteen thousand high school students, advisors, businesspersons and alumni gathered to compete in various events. Acting as a judge, Oozle CEO Scott Linford lent his expertise to the entrepreneurship challenge.

The conference included a wide variety of opportunities and activities for students, including exhibits, networking, competitions, and presentations. “These kids are the future of business and marketing,” said Scott, “It’s amazing to see what we have to look forward to.”

DECA is an international network of over 200,000 members across fifty states and nine countries that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, hospitality, and management at more than 200 schools and colleges. Participation in DECA enhances the classroom experience for both students and teachers and helps students gain the critical skills necessary to be successful in the real world of business.

At the conference, Scott evaluated innovative ideas from students at competitive events and shared his expertise on business, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing.

DECA is all about promoting competence, innovation, integrity, and teamwork. At Oozle Media, that’s what we’re committed to as well. We have been actively involved in the student community from the beginning, helping students with internships and in-the-field experience to help them get the cutting edge necessary in today’s competitive business world. Oozle Media also holds information sessions at local universities and will be presenting a workshop at Utah Valley University during the Fall 2012 semester.

Long story short, we get it: young people are changing the world! We love to hear young people’s fresh ideas and awesome insights. Over the past three years, we’ve had the opportunity of working with more than a dozen interns attending local universities and technical schools. If you have an interest in internet marketing, contact us so we can put you to work!

Get Oozled today!

Oozle Media May 08 2012
Categories: Uncategorized

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