Facebook & Instagram Ad Guidelines

Are you currently using Facebook or Instagram to market your business? By using the ad service on these social networks you can effectively increase visibility of your brand, making it easier to connect with customers or prospects. In this article you will learn how to create Facebook & Instagram ads.

Clicks to site ads are the most common for Facebook ads. They can appear on all platforms (Desktop, Right Column, Audience Network, Instagram, & Mobile). The ads work best when the text is descriptive and to the point. It is necessary the headline and link description provide a clear call to action.

There are a few different types of these ads:


This allows up to 5 images for the user to manually scroll through. The image requirements will be the same as an Instagram ad, and you are able to have a different Headline & Link Description for each image. Placement: Desktop, Right Column, Instagram, & Mobile.


This allows up to 5 images to be played automatically on a loop. The image requirements for this will be the same as Instagram. You are able to set the duration of the slideshow from 5-30 Seconds; the text options will remain the same as the image below. This was originally created for use in countries that don’t have strong enough internet capabilities for video ads, but have had some good results for use everywhere. Placement: Desktop, Right Column, Instagram, & Mobile.


These can be up to 45 minutes long. The text options will be the same as below, excluding the ability to edit the Link Description. Video ads will play automatically in a news feed, but without sound. Video ads have shown an extremely low cost per view across all business types. Because the sound does not play automatically, it’s very important to make your video ad very visual, this will allow users to follow along without sound. Studies have shown that there is a growing % of users who typically view videos without sound on Facebook more than they do with sound. (see Canvas for the solution!). Placement: Desktop, Instagram (under 60 seconds), & Mobile.


Instagram ads have shown great results for businesses. They allow the user the ability to have a direct link to their website or landing page, this is something that can only be done by Instagram users using paid ads. As you can see above, Instagram can have a single image, carousel, slideshow, or video option as well.

The best ads on Instagram are the ones that are highly engaging but almost blend into the feed as if one of the user’s friends may have posted it. Adding too much text gives the appearance of an ad and seems to be skipped over much more.

[wide_image]Facebook_&_Instagram-Ad-Guidelines-(InstagramAds) (no head [/wide_image]

Lead ads are highly effective for businesses. A privacy policy on the company’s website is required. They allow the user to go through the process of requesting information without ever leaving Facebook. The ad will show the same as a Click To Site ad. When the User clicks on the CTA button, it will bring him to a small ‘landing page’ (seen below). This is where the business will enter a small amount of information to the user to get them to submit their info.

The form can ask for a wide variety of information; from contact info, job type, car type, to education, and more. Custom questions are also available, the user can select from options you pre-determine, or type in their answer. Any questions that can be answered by the user’s Facebook profile will automatically be filled in. The user hits ‘Confirm’ and is then given the option to visit your Site, visit your Privacy Policy, or go back to their news feed.
[wide_image]Facebook_&_Instagram-Ad-Guidelines-(LeadAds) no head [/wide_image]

Canvas is the newest option for Facebook ads. It was rolled out to less than 1% of Facebook users and has shown amazing results for companies so far. Canvas is essentially a landing page on Facebook. You can have as much or as little as you’d like to tell a story & show the user what your business is about.

The initial ad will look like the Click To Site ad above, excluding the Link Preview, Link Description, & CTA Button. Your call to action in the ad copy can be more focused on getting the user to interact with the Canvas, rather than go directly to your website. In standard ads, when a user clicks ‘Learn More’ and sees they are being redirected off Facebook.com, advertisers see a very large bounce rate. Reasons for this can be a lack of trust, not enough confidence in what they are learning about, or simply not wanting to be pulled away from their news feed.

When a user clicks on canvas, they are brought to a page laid out like the image below, but they do not leave Facebook. The cells can be moved up and down to the order you are looking for, you can have multiple videos, images, carousels, and text boxes if you’d like; or just a single image/video with a text box to keep it simple.

There are a number of options for photos & videos (fit to screen, tilt to pan, tap to expand). The videos play automatically & with sound. Lines between images & videos are seamless, meaning you can stack multiple images & videos to create the illusion of one large image. Once the user has learned about your business & interacted with your Canvas, they are much more willing to be taken off Facebook when they click your CTA button.

Ready to take your businesses marketing to the next level but aren’t sure where to start? Contact Oozle Media and let us know what you need help with.

Phone: (801) 562-8557
Email: info@oozlemedia.com

Whitney Rosen Mar 09 2016
Categories: Social Media
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