4 Tips on How to Build Extraordinary Client Relationships & Outshine Your Competition

Dr. Jeff Burg is a client of ours and had the opportunity to attend Good Things Utah on April 7th to promote his amazing Pediatric Dentistry.  Oozle Media’s Executive Assistant, Amy Kunz, and content writer, Shannon Egan, attended the event in order to support Dr. Burg’s success and ensure his appearance was documented on his website and in various social media outlets.

Dr. Jeff Burg is a client of ours and had the opportunity to attend Good Things Utah on April 7th to promote his amazing Pediatric Dentistry. Oozle Media’s Executive Assistant, Amy Kunz, and Content Writer, Shannon Egan, attended the event in order to support Dr. Burg’s success and ensure his appearance was documented on his website and in various social media outlets.

Quality customer relationships are extremely rare these days despite the fact that so many well known corporations advertise excellent customer service skills as part of their “packaged deal”.

As consumers, we know from personal experience that most of these companies are not living up to their promises.

As for myself, I know that I cringe whenever I have to call a customer service hotline because of what I can expect: multiple transfers, disrespect, and frustration. Enough already!

Positive client relations are VITAL for the success of small businesses

Unfortunately, large corporations can get away with customer service gaps whereas small businesses cannot. There’s just too much competition and advertisements are too costly.  Smart business owners will see this as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competition.

Statistics show that next to providing remarkable products/services, building excellent customer relations is the #1 way for local businesses to ensure success.  Plus, building a clientele base via word of mouth is much more powerful than obtaining clients through costly advertisements–and it’s free!

4 Ways to Outshine Your Competition

  1. Talk less, listen more. At Oozle Media, one of our many mottos is “you talk, we listen.”  When we meet with potential clients we never try to make a hard sale and we rarely give a boring presentation.  Companies are often overly anxious to sell their services and end up talking way too much.  Where’s the respect in that? The best way to sell a client is to try to really understand their needs and shut your mouth.
  2. Support your clients. Supporting your clients is a simple way to prove that you value them.  You can do this in a variety of ways, such as keeping up to date with what’s going on in their business and finding some way, even if it’s small, to support their endeavors and celebrate their achievements.
  3. Go above and beyond each and every time. If you want to really impress your clientele you can’t just be exceptional 25%-75% of the time.  When it comes to client retention, EVERY INTERACTION COUNTS.  There are too many other companies offering something similar to what you’re offering. Don’t risk losing precious clients by being lazy and taking their business for granted.
  4. Personalize your relationships. Everybody wants to feel special including stressed out business owners.  If you are disrespectful of their complaints and concerns, or generally unaware of their family life and personal interests how do they know you care?  They don’t, period.

“People Enjoy Doing Business with People They Like.”–Oozle Media

Statistics show that 63% of consumers said the last time they stopped doing business with a company it was partly due to a poor customer service experience.  What’s sad about this is that building positive client relationships is really not that hard.  You’ve just got to make it a priority and do it.  Your clients will love you for it and your business will prosper because of it.

At Oozle Media, we’re excited about our services and confident in their ability to make a return on your investment. We value our clients and want you to succeed!  We’re your Utah web development specialists! GET OOZLED TODAY!


Oozle Media Apr 08 2011

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