Website Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is becoming more and more important, and in fact it’s turning into an optimization of each user’s journey to converting. As the competition grows in the digital space, and users continue to expect quick answers, it is essential that you build your website with conversion optimization in mind.

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What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

At its core, CRO starts with the idea that your website is never complete. Rather than investing in a new website once every four to eight years, it is better to make many small improvements over time. Best practices in digital marketing are always changing.

Investing time in CRO allows you to take advantage of the latest changes as well as any research on your own site, building something that is made for converting your audience. The website is your salesman who never sleeps, make sure it is equipped to convert even the most skeptical client.

Why Do CRO?

There was a time when anyone who had their business on the internet could have a pretty significant advantage over their competitors. Today, getting in front of your potential customers is more competitive than ever. CRO can give you a leg up on your competitors.

After all the money and hard work you put forth into a website in an effort to get in front of people, to have a site that doesn’t convert is just a waste. Keep yourself above the competition by continually improving the user experience and giving customers what they want in a way that’s easy to digest. Remember, first impressions are immensely important online. Make sure your first impression matches your ideal customer’s needs.

How CRO Starts

Begin With Research

Building a website that converts takes time and effort. You aren’t just creating a website for you and you aren’t just making it for your industry in general; your website should be built with your specific clients’ needs in mind.

Two companies in the same industry and the same market still have the potential to have very different target audiences and things that make them stand out. Playing to the strength of your business on your website is essential.

Remember: your audience is the expert in what they’re looking for. While you may think you know everything they want, these assumptions can incorrect biases in your test results. The feedback you receive from actual customers is invaluable. Utilizing that feedback to make changes on your site is what will help you create a site ready to convert.

When is a Website Done?

Traditional web development has a clear beginning and end point with the launch of the site. Once the site is launched with the exception of a few minor tweaks here and there, it’s rare for big changes to be made on the site. The next major update is made when a whole new website is built.

Instead of following this pattern when doing CRO, approach your website with the mentality that the website is never finished. You should be ready to make improvements after launch. As the way people search online changes and you learn more about your target audience, you’ll need to make improvements to obtain small wins. You may not see the same large jumps in traffic or conversions you sometimes see from launching a brand new site, but these many small jumps over time will be more beneficial than one large leap every few years. Your website will never be done, and that’s OK.

CRO in the Future

When considering CRO, remember that your goals as a business are not the same as your users’ goals. There are some marketing and CRO companies that want to trap your users into converting to improve vanity metrics like cost per click (CPL).

The problem with this method is that more and more users are showing they don’t like being forced, and pushy landing pages can taint your brand in the users’ eyes and make them less likely to go from being a lead to a customer.

Today, potential customers know they have the control to do more research on and off your website and social media channels than they ever have before. They expect answers that are readily accessible when they want them and websites that make it easy to convert without having to jump through annoying hoops.

That’s why Oozle’s CRO method is user-focused. We believe, in the long term, what is good for your users, is also good for your conversion rate, even if users don’t convert right away! You could call it User Experience Optimization (UXO) because when you meet the users’ needs, they are more likely to convert to a lead and stay a customer for a long time after they click on the first ad.

Tips for Starting CRO

Now that you understand the idea behind conversion rate optimization, where do you start? How do you first build a website, then continue to update it in a way that will lead to higher conversions? Here are a few tips to start investing in CRO for your website.

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  • Start With a Firm Foundation – Depending on the platform your website is built on, making even the most simple changes can be cumbersome. Start with a website that is built in a way you can edit. Don’t be afraid to start with a brand new site that can be improved on over time. Before building a site with any company, make sure you ask these 11 questions to ensure your website will be built in a way you can modify.
  • Learn What Your Customers Want – Nobody knows what your customers want better than your customers. Use surveys and listen to phone calls to learn more about what your customers are looking for, not just what you assume they want. Learning their most common questions and finding an effective way to answer them on the website will be extremely valuable.
  • Let the Data Guide Decisions – Again, we can make assumptions about how people are interacting with the website or what they want, but these assumptions can often be wrong. Use data from analytics, heat maps, recordings, and customer feedback to help you make decisions. Data found on initial research of a website and through A/B testing will help you build a better site.
  • Don’t Stop Improving – If you aren’t moving forward, you’re moving backward. Continue making improvements to your online presence to ensure your website will continue to convert the right audience.

Don’t build your next website blindly. Take into account what your target audience is looking for and build that into your site. Continue to improve your site and online brand as a whole to see those gradual but impactful lifts long after the launch of a new site. At Oozle Media, we have three CRO packages to help you build a website that will be the highest conversions possible.

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