Our Method

You’re in business to make money, and we’re in business to help you. That means more than increases in rankings and traffic, it means moving the bottom line. At Oozle Media we believe in partnering with you and your business to create a holistic digital marketing strategy that drives more leads, closes more customers, and then turns your happy customers into advocates that participate alongside you in your marketing efforts.

Marketing Partnerships

Our customers that see the best results from Oozle Media services see us as a trusted marketing partner rather than just an outsourced lead machine. The Oozle Media method is comprised of four overlapping phases.

Our 4 Phase Process

Phase 1: Analysis and Planning

How are we supposed to do marketing for you if we don’t understand your business? During this phase, our main objective is to thoroughly understand your businesses in the digital and non-digital space. We work with you to learn what makes your company unique, what your ideal customer looks like, and what moves your bottom line. We then take a deep dive into your business’ online presence, analyzing your websites and online profiles along with those of your close competitors. This phase helps us to diagnose problems and determine what should take priority in the Set-Up & Clean-Up phase.

Phase 2: Set-up & Clean-up

You shouldn’t build a house without a solid foundation. Before you jump into spending money on digital marketing, there are certain technical and logistic details that need to be carried out. To set your marketing campaign up for success, these set-up tasks such as developing or editing a website to have clean up-to-date code, conversion tracking, SEO optimizations, landing pages, and claiming of relevant 3rd party profiles should be set up as soon as possible.

Phase 3: Telling Your Story

Your website should tell the story as well as anyone in your company. In fact, we think your website should be an active participant in any conversation about your business. To do this we need to make sure the layout, user experience, design, and copy all match the message you’re trying to communicate. We want you to be proud of what your website is saying so that you are more likely to direct visitors and social traffic to it.

Phase 4: Amplifying Your Message

Now that you and your website are telling the same story, it’s time to drive visitors that are likely to convert using social media, PPC, and organic search. As users interact with your website and your business as a whole, how they interact should heavily influence what sorts of edits you make to your current content and what new content you need to produce in the future. When possible we want to include your happy customers in the storytelling process through reviews, testimonials, videos, and branded social media campaigns.