Reasons Your Blog Is Failing

Creating a blog for your business isn’t exactly a “Field of Dreams” situation. If you build it, they won’t necessarily come. We’re here to be your blog ghost guide and show you how to make your blog more effective.

No one cares about you: Okay that was a little harsh but in the anonymous internet aspect, it’s true.  Nobody is going to care about your products, services, or you if you don’t give them a reason to.  People care about solving their problems, accessing great information and getting recognition.  If you focus on content that addresses challenges your potential readers face, your traffic will grow much quicker.

Sharing is caring: Word of mouth is going to be one of the best ways you can grow your audience. You are drastically limiting your blog if you don’t provide an array of methods for your readers to share your page. Make your share options easily seen and easy to use.

No reason to return: Recent research suggests a staggering 80% of people who visit a business’s blog are first-timers.  You need to encourage your readers to return.  Offering free content or additional information for becoming a subscriber is a great way to do this. If nothing else, make it easy for someone to add your RSS feed into their reader of choice.

Overselling: Your blog isn’t the place to clutter the page with ads.  No one is going to stick around if they can’t tell whether what they’re reading is an ad or genuine content.  Great blogs give ad-free gifts in the form of valuable content. Your blog should still contain ads, but make them very subtle. An effective way to do this is to organically set a link below the fold of your post linking back to your “Utah web development” page or whatever your page or product may be. Just like that.

by Kody Probst

Oozle Media Jul 25 2011

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