How to Optimize the Content in your Press Releases

An easy way to get news out to your clients is through a press release. Press releases can be extremely powerful when they have valuable, SEO-friendly content and use the tips stated below. Good content is king, and bad content will get you nowhere.

SEO and Press Releases

To start things off, here are some SEO-related tips that are specific to press releases:

• Optimize the first 250 words
o Other sites might only feature a small snippet of the beginning of your press release, so you want to make sure to put the keywords and most important information there.
• Use anchor links
o Bring the reader directly to your website. It is best to have at least one link in your press release that refers to one of your webpages that is not your homepage.
• Tell news that people care about
o Make sure to ask yourself why someone would be interested in what you have to say and say that in the first 250 words.
• Don’t have a date in your press release
o Putting the date in your release will make search engines think your news is outdated.
• Use an inverted pyramid writing style
o Begin with the most important information and end with information that is pertinent but not absolutely necessary.

All-Around Good Content

In addition to these release-specific guidelines, here are some general tips for creating good content:

• Use key phrases in the titles, headers, and body of your webpages
• Have a word count of 900-1300 words per webpage
• Mix up or use pieces of key phrases throughout the body of text
• Don’t use technical lingo
• Make sure the keywords in the title are close together
• Bold important words
• Write grammatically correct content that is also spelled correctly
• Use formal language (it is best to use the third-person perspective)

More ways to increase SEO

There are more long-term ways to improving your SEO through content as well. Though these methods include people, time, and effort, the new traffic these tips will bring to your website will be worth the expenditures. Some of these methods include:

• Blogs with topics that relate to the services on your site
• SEO tools that give you information about what keywords your customers use.
• Quality content that will increase the probability of other websites posting links to your pages
• Emails that ask loyal customers what keywords they use
• Alternate media content (videos, pictures, etc.)

Good content is crucial if you want your customers to see your webpage. For more ways to increase your website’s SEO, talk your experts in internet marketing at Oozle Media or visit a seminar on the science of writing press releases.

Oozle Media Mar 29 2012
Categories: Blogging | SEO

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