Case Study: Paul Mitchell Schools What we did: Content Writing, SocialSEO

In Short

Oozle Media has several internal teams who specialize in certain verticals, beauty schools being one of them. Oozle has specialized in cosmetology school marketing since 2009, specifically for Paul Mitchell beauty schools since 2013.

Paul Mitchell Schools approached Oozle Media in the fall of 2012 when they were the national beauty school brand behind, trying to keep up on all the major social media platforms. By the end of 2013, they were the ones leading way.

Several individual Paul Mitchell Schools across the country contracted Oozle Media’s SocialSEO services and as a result have seen incredible increases in enrollments and clinic floor services.

The Goals

Produce measurable leads through Oozle Media’s specialized Social SEO strategies and help turn these leads into enrollments with Oozle’s admissions training. After the enrollments are made, user generated social media strategies would be put in place to encourage referrals and targeted traffic to landing pages.

The Challenge

Develop the Brand’s Voice on Social Media

Finding the voice for the brand through social media, amplifying that voice to increase targeted followers/brand awareness and have this turn into leads and salon floor business. Up until contracting Oozle Media, Paul Mitchell Schools had no clear social media strategy or goals. They were not leading in any of the social media platforms amongst other national competitors.

The Results

In less than one year, Paul Mitchell Schools became the leader in followers over most of the leading social media platforms and have closed the gap. The new followers were not just any ordinary followers either. They were the friends and family members of Paul Mitchell School’s Future Professionals – a targeted group of people.


Successful Hashtag Campaign:




SEO Results:


72% Increase

in Non-Branded Organic
Search Traffic Year Over Year