Case Study: How to Boost Call Volume 75% in 6 Months with Google Reviews

Online marketing is about more than search rankings: it’s about driving living, breathing customers (and, you know, that money thing…) to your business. That’s what Oozle Media’s new method of review-based advertising is all about, and it’s drawing powerful results.

How does review-based advertising work? It’s simple:

  1. Companies incentivize customers to leave reviews on important review sites, such as Google Places or Yelp.
  2. Those same companies rise in Google’s organic search results, local results, and – most important of all – receive a much larger amount of phone traffic and new customers.

Consider, for example, one Oozle client that truly embraced the power of organic search marketing in Utah. Not only did they encourage their customers to leave reviews on these popular websites by offering $10 Café Rio gift cards for each review, they motivated their employees to give the best service possible by basing bonuses and other financial incentives on reviews left by the customers they’ve served. According to Campaign Manager Spencer Frandsen, “They incentivize them to leave the review, but they also are using that as their safety net of getting good service.” Is it working? Look for yourself. The following line graph indicates the company’s call volume over the last ten months, measured in tens of phone calls on the y-axis:

This client experienced significant growth not only in their organic search results online, but – more importantly – the volume of calls to their office. How did it all come about? “The local listings that Google shows, they’re really bumping up in how they’re ranked in that,” says Spencer, “and they’re getting huge amounts of traffic and business because of the reviews being so excellent.”

Organic search marketing takes advantage of the fact that people tend to give more credibility to online reviews than they do advertising copy. When looking for local services, like water heater repair companies or hair salons, users tend to peruse the local results first; customer reviews are an important way of attracting customers using those results. A low number of reviews or review spam will drop a company’s local ranking. However, a high number of strong reviews from local customers will go a long way toward building credibility and drawing attention. Browsers make more calls to set up service appointments and Google sees that those websites are drawing more traffic and will consequently raise their organic search results. That means you can sit back, relax, and let your customers boost your Page Rank for you!

Looking for a company that will both boost your search rankings and bring you more business? Then it’s time to GET OOZLED!

Oozle Media May 25 2012
Categories: SEO

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